The 1997 General Election has seen a large increase in the number of women in the House of Commons with 101 Labour women MPs, 14 Conservative women, 3 Liberal-Democrats, and two Scottish Nationalist Party women, a total of 120 plus Betty Boothroyd, the Speaker of the House.
Follow the links alongside to learn more, and contact us.
Labour Women
What is an Emily Grant?
You can apply for an Emily Grant for financial assistance with the following expenses involved in seeking section:
• travel expenses
• dependent care
• printing
• photography
• telephone
• postage
Grants will be awarded to individual women for expenses incurred in a single selection attempt. Any woman who wishes to apply for a grant for more than one selection attempt should make a separate application for each. However, Emily’s List UK wishes as many women as possible to benefit from these grants, so grant funding for more than one selection is less likely.
Who can apply?
Any woman member of the Labour Party who is seeking selection as a candidate for the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly, the European Parliament and Westminster may apply for an Emily Grant. Applications must fulfil Labour Party criteria; support the programme and values of the Party and be pro-choice.
Women and Work
How to apply
Applications should be made on the appropriate form which can be obtained by contacting:
Alternatively you can email Emily’s List at: write@emilyslist.org.uk
The form is straightforward and asks for your name, address and daytime and evening telephone numbers, a brief history of your Labour movement history, ie. length of Party membership, Trade Union membership if any, your current CLP and the details of the selection for which you are seeking a grant. The form outlines the upper limits which may be awarded in each category.
When to apply
Any woman member of the Labour Party involved in a selection procedure can apply for an Emily Grant. Applications should be made just prior to the start of a selection attempt or within three months of the final section meeting.
Applicants for an Emily Grant need not be successful in their selection attempt, but must have made an application for the selection for which they are seeking a grant, ie. at the very minimum submitted a CV.
Who will decide and when will the Grant be paid?
Emily’s List UK will inform applicants of the outcome of their application in writing within three weeks of receipt.
A subcommittee, (comprising Hilary De Lyon, Barbara Follett and Jean Black), will make the final decision about applications, following consultation with a Panel of Regional Advisors. No correspondence will be entered into regarding individual applications other than to acknowledge receipt and inform applicants of the outcome. SEO Company Burlington
The details contained within each application will remain confidential. However, Emily’s List UK reserves the right to publish the names of recipients of Emily Grants. The total paid out to all women receiving an Emily Grant will also be published.
If you would like to donate…
Emily’s List UK supporters are asked to pledge a minimum of £250 over five years either as one donation of £250, as two donations of £125 or five annual donations of £50. SEO Company Burlington
If paying in instalments, supporters are strongly urged to pay by standing order where possible. If they wish to spread their donation, they can make twenty-five payments of £10, or ten payments of £25.
Donors will receive regular news of Emily’s List UK sponsored women, as well as priority booking at events.